Outpatient Surgery for Shoulder Placement

Dr. Gobezie Leads the Way in Outpatient Surgery

//Dr. Gobezie Leads the Way in Outpatient Surgery

Dr. Gobezie Leads the Way in Outpatient Surgery

Dr. Gobezie always recommends surgery as the absolute last option. But when patients have hit the proverbial wall with pain, and conservative measures are no longer helpful, surgical intervention may be the only option.

Our patients are often surprised to learn the majority of shoulder surgeries performed here are now done on an outpatient basis. Through his research, Dr. Gobezie has found that patients recover better at home and are happier when able to check out sooner following a procedure. 

Dr. Gobezie has refined shoulder replacement surgery to the point that it often only takes 35 minutes in a highly-controlled environment and results in little blood loss. The less time the patient is under anesthesia, the better the recovery. There is less risk of infection, increased patient satisfaction, and higher quality outcomes based on function and pain with a home recovery. Patients walk out with their arm in a sling and are home the same day.

Dr. Gobezie is one of the most experienced and highest volume shoulder surgeons in the country – both inpatient and outpatient.  In a typical year, Dr. Gobezie performs more than 400 shoulder replacements and 600 arthroscopic procedures. For comparison, most general orthopedic surgeons typically perform around 20 shoulder surgeries per year.  A number of studies have shown that surgical volume, the number of procedures a surgeon performs each year, is a strong predictor of patient outcome.

“We make shoulder replacement surgery as easy as possible for patients at Cleveland Shoulder Institute,” says Dr. Gobezie. “We cater to each patient and their caregiver in the weeks leading up to surgery with educational information, and a series of physical therapy videos that they study before the surgery and work on at home post-surgery. The videos illustrate the exercises, and the education we provide offers very specific goals that each patient needs to meet in order to recover faster.”

The outpatient surgery and home rehabilitation options save patients considerable time and money.

Most patients can use their arm enough to care for themselves within a week after the procedure. After three months of follow-up appointments the patient no longer requires office visits, but the atrophy from the initial injury could take up to a year to fully improve. 

Although many surgeries are performed as outpatient at Cleveland Shoulder Institute, the outpatient experience is not for everyone. Patients with complicated medical histories may not qualify. It is also important for the patient to have sufficient family or social support at home and have realistic expectation of some pain and discomfort despite reasonable pain-relief strategies. Dr. Gobezie carefully consults with each patient with a thorough history, physical examination and review of imaging studies to determine the procedure that will work best for them.


The Cleveland Shoulder Institute treats patients with all types of shoulder and elbow disorders resulting from traumatic injuries, arthritis, instabilities, rotator cuff and sports-related injuries. Led by internationally recognized Orthopedic Surgeon Reuben Gobezie, MD, the institute provides both surgical and non-operative treatments.

Dr. Gobezie is founder/director of The Cleveland Shoulder Institute, PT GENIE and Regen Orthopedics. For more information, visit clevelandshoulder.com, regenorthopedics.com or godoctornow.com.
